From month to month, you hear more and more about something like podiatry. Indeed, this relatively young field of medicine is more and more boldly entering the Polish (and many foreign) market, convincing the ever-growing number of patients. Is it worth investing in it at this point? Does your own business based on a podiatry clinic make sense? Finally, is there a podiatry shop where this one could stock up? We will touch on all these issues in our today’s post.
Podology – does this industry have potential?
Podiatry office as one of the best ways to do businessAs we have already mentioned in the introduction, podiatry is something that has developed relatively recently, emerging from the pedicurist profession. In Germany, for example, the profession of podiatrist has existed in law (and practice) since 2002, in Portugal since 1997, and in Greece… it does not exist legally, although it is practiced. Although it is difficult to talk about a specific date for her Polish debut, the industry is still fresh. This alone gives it a huge potential for development , and for us a chance to appear within it. All due to the fact that the competition is not yet at a high level, and there are relatively few offices scattered around our country.The podiatry industry has great potential not only from the perspective of a person who wants to use it in a business way (more on this topic below). It is also able to adopt because of the huge market demand for it. People notice their foot problems more and more often and don’t really know who to turn to with them. It is the podiatrist that can fill this gap. The industry’s potential may also reflect its very fast development. In the blink of an eye people began to associate what a podiatrist actually is, and many European countries (and not only) have developed studies that enable training in this field.
Why does establishing a podiatry clinic make sense today?
Business based on podology is something that can definitely pay off – especially if we decide to enter it relatively quickly. This is due to several things:
little competition may allow us to stand out – as podiatry offices are still a novelty on the Polish market, currently present almost exclusively in larger cities, we do not have to deal with the competition’s offer at the start and try to adapt our offer to the one presented by it;
we are able to set the standards ourselves – these have not yet been fully generally defined; So we have almost absolute freedom in choosing all kinds of equipment, but also in shaping our own offer; podiatry offices perfectly cooperate with these cosmetic ones , which we can also use to our advantage, for example to increase our own patient base;
there are many professionals on the market who are willing to engage in a new project – podiatry is a discipline that is being studied in Poland more and more often; therefore, a lot of people specializing in it enter the market, but not always willing to start their own business related to it; if we decide to do so, we will certainly have a lot of choice in the context of the workforce;
the demand for this type of services is high – until the emergence of podiatry, diseases and ailments related to feet were diagnosed and treated mainly by a general practitioner, but also by a dermatologist (with whom, by the way, podiatrists very often cooperate) or beauticians (but here mainly all at the preliminary stage) – it was podology that emerged from the activities of the latter in many countries of the world; One thing is certain – the demand is considerable and an attempt to meet it can bring tangible benefits, also purely business ones;
The industry is very forward – looking – taking into account both the interest in it, which we have already mentioned, and the pace of its development, we can confidently say that it is one of the most promising industries. By entering it now you can guarantee yourself a solid position to start.
Where to start your adventure with the podiatry business?
When deciding to enter the podiatry market, first of all, you should do research in terms of competition – although there is not much of it at present, it is worth learning about its operating patterns. Especially that you can really get a lot out of it and borrow a lot of solutions that really work in action. It is also worth finding a podiatry shop where you will be stocked, but also organize everything that is organized in the case of a more standard business, in any other industry.
A podiatry office can be a great business idea, and at the same time something in which we will appear as a company or brand. Nowadays, it seems that we are dealing with the perfect time to open it. Competition on the market is low and the demand for its services is huge. If we only feel that we will find ourselves within it, do not hesitate and learn more about how such a clinic should work, what assortment to buy in a podiatry shop and how many professionals to hire to make it all function efficiently.